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Question: I’m a patient of a local primary care practice that recently sent me a letter saying they are “required by CMS to perform and submit annual wellness exam information on each Medicare/Medicare Advantage patient each year. Although CMS does not penalize the member when the AWV information is not submitted annually, your PCP/Provider is reported as being non-compliant with patient care, which does affect our standing and reimbursement with CMS.” For that reason, the letter went on, “our office requires that all patients with Medicare/Medicare Advantage coverage undergo an AWV annually to continue to retain [the practice] as their Primary Care Physician (PCP).” Can they do that?
Question: We know that risk adjustment can impact reimbursement, quality of care, insurance plan ratings, and overall performance, but what does risk adjustment really mean?
Question: What are the pros and cons of performing an annual wellness visit (AWV) at the same time as an E/M office visit versus separating them into two visits?
Question: Can the add-on code for infectious disease consultations (G0545) only be reported once per admission or stay in observation?
Question: I recently read about a third-party biller who was charged with health care fraud and eventually entered a plea agreement — but the practice he worked for was not charged. I thought fraudulent medical billings were always the responsibility of the provider whose services were billed. Is it possible for a biller to be guilty but not the provider?
Question: How should compliance leaders navigate the complexities of data sharing and interoperability initiatives while maintaining strict adherence to HIPAA regulations?
Question: I have a patient who claims “white coat hypertension” — that is, he says his home blood pressure readings are significantly lower than the ones we get in the office. He has a home BP device, a Pressure X Pro, that connects to the internet. Can I take a reading via this device? And, in addition to adding it compliantly to encounter notes, can I claim 99091 (Collection and interpretation of physiologic data [eg, ECG, blood pressure, glucose monitoring])?
Question: What codes should a coder consider for a patient diagnosed with an eating disorder (e.g., anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder)?
Question: Have you ever encountered a practice wanting to bill T1016 (Case management, each 15 minutes) for a workers’ compensation visit where the case manager is present and the provider discussed the case with them? The practice wants to report T1016 in addition to the office visit E/M code. When I researched this code it appears to be for behavioral/mental health and not the work comp case manager situation. Do you have any insight on this?
Question: Recently one of our providers was in the news and reporters called our office. We all refused to comment when contacted. That seemed the safest course, but now we’re wondering if we should have done something else.


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