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Benchmark of the Week
When introduced, the 2023 CPT manual featured 224 new codes. By plumbing utilization data, you can now see which services medical groups turned to most frequently — an add-on code for suture removal and a group of initial hernia repair codes took the top five spots for new surgery codes (10004-69990) that were introduced in 2023, according to the latest available utilization data for Part B Medicare claims.
Professional payments for the oft-reported subsequent annual wellness visit (AWV) service took a favorable turn in 2023, as national reimbursement levels rebounded from a low point the year before. Overall, claims utilization has remained strong in recent years, and denials show a favorable trend as well.
After a fast start in 2020, utilization of the e-visit codes 99421-99423 (for physicians) and 98970-98972 (for non-physician qualified health professionals) declined precipitously. But claims ticked up slightly in 2023, and one relatively simple service surged, according to the most recently available Medicare data.
A review of the top three specialties that reported high-level E/M codes in 2023 reveals a variety of primary care providers and other specialists at the top of the list. When it comes to the highest-level office visit code for new patients, three specialties dominated claims for 99205, the E/M visit with the highest payout.
Utilization of the operation-related modifiers 24 (Unrelated evaluation and management service by the same physician during a postoperative period) and 57 (Decision for surgery) was slightly down in 2023, but denial rates were excellent — with a few notable exceptions.
As medical groups start filing claims with dates of service in 2025, they will find that E/M codes, including office visit services (99202-99215) that are reported millions of times per year, are not immune to the widespread fee cuts impacting other high-volume codes.
It appears many medical groups are planning to stanch the coming Medicare fee schedule payment cuts by making a concerted effort to overturn denials and increase their patient collections. They also want to expand service offerings into newly minted care management codes and other services.
Nurse practitioners and internal medicine specialists flexed their time-keeping skills in 2023. Providers in those specialties were the top two reporters of prolonged E/M visit codes out of more than 80 specialties, according to the latest Medicare Part B claims data.
The conversion factor shave of -2.8% will have a fee-slashing effect on many services in 2025. Due to relative value unit (RVU) adjustments, some codes will net a fee increase next year. But all of the high-volume codes, as labeled by CMS and shown in the chart below, are on pace for reductions in both non-facility and facility settings.
In the rates for Medicare-payable services codified in the physician fee schedule final rule, losers outpace winners — and the winners aren’t doing so well, either.


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