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Physician Practice Perspectives

Most practice managers will tell you that the goals they set for their practice change monthly, even weekly, simply because of the speed of change in their offices.


The term "etiquette" may conjure up images of the prim and proper ladies and gentlemen of a Jane Austen novel or of agonizing over which fork to use at a fancy dinner, but the truth is that proper phone etiquette is vitally important to the reputation of your practice.


When Betsy Herman spoke during August's annual meeting of the American Podiatric Medical Association in Boston, she got the audience's attention when she discussed the alternative revenue stream Columbia Foot and Ankle had come across. After all, any practice bringing in roughly $4,000 extra each month had to be on to something.


Healthcare is constantly evolving. It is not only important to stay abreast of the clinical advancements available to patients and providers, but to also pay attention to the business of healthcare.


Income taxes may be the last thing on your mind right now, but the truth is that anytime after the first of the year is the time to start thinking about your tax return, and, more importantly, who will file that return.


Having swept up the detritus of New Year's Eve celebrations, now comes the time of year during which bold proclamations and unchecked optimism reign supreme. That's right-it's time to think about your New Year's resolutions.


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