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New X-ray codes for spine, hip and pelvis in the 2016 CPT manual are meant to simplify coding of those imaging services, but already the new codes are raising uncertainty among coders about their use.

Assess whether your practice should start using or increase use of medical chaperones when examining patients. More patients than ever are filing complaints against physicians for inappropriate behavior during exams, and having a chaperone goes a long way to deter and defend against such allegations.


Be scrupulous — within reason — when you’re tipped off to a possible overpayment, as a new final rule lowers the bar for what can put you in danger of serious penalties. Also, be aware that you may have more than 60 days from discovery to return the money.


Clear an unobstructed path to reporting common pulmonary function and inhalation treatment tests by avoiding bundled codes and correctly attaching modifiers — and leave those denials gasping for air.


Question: We don’t currently work out of an electronic health record (EHR). Would we qualify for the hardship exception or is it for those eligible professionals (EPs) that are actually using an EHR and can’t attest?


Primary care physicians had a difficult time getting their claims through for spirometry code 94010 (Measurement and graphic recording of total and timed exhaled air capacity) and two other pulmonary-testing codes that practices billed frequently in 2014, the most recent year of available claims data.


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