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We all know the saying about documentation: If it wasn't documented, it wasn't done. But don't forget the other part of that saying: If it was documented, but not legibly signed, it still wasn't done.

It’s only one Medicare administrative contractor (MAC) at the moment, but expect others to join this prohibition against handwritten entries on claims.

DecisionHealth stock image CMS has finally confirmed that it will axe the clinical signature requirement rule, as we first reported in Part B News way back in February. The rule, which was set to take effect Jan. 1, 2011, would've required all clinical lab orders to be physically signed by ordering physicians. It was delayed to April 1, 2011 after taking a withering barrage of fire from advocacy groups, particularly the American Clinical Laboratory Association (ACLA).

CMS is freezing a rule that would require your physicians and non-physician providers (NPPs) to sign requisitions for lab tests. This requirement, introduced in the 2011 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) final rule, was to take effect Jan. 1, 2011 and would've applied to all lab tests paid under the clinical laboratory fee schedule. We covered this issue of lab signatures in a recent edition of the NPP Report.


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