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Your 2024 CPT manual contains seven new codes related to integrated peripheral and spinal neurostimulator systems, revisions to four codes and new guidelines that clarify when you should use permanent procedure codes from the nervous system chapter and when you should report a temporary Category III code.
Reporting wound care can be as complex and arduous as the methods themselves. Ensure you pay close attention to the many policies and procedures that coders must be aware of to account for the process and products accurately.
Managing business associate agreements isn’t just important for HIPAA. The SOC 2 and HITRUST frameworks, as well as most cyber liability insurance policies, call out vendors as key players in your organization’s risk profile. Their reliability, the need to assess external threats, and their ongoing relationship with you all play a part. So how do you begin to manage the risk they bring to your organization?
Wondering what gets a new physician to join your practice? No surprise, it’s usually about money. However, you may find the factors that come a close second and third, and that convince doctors to stay with a practice, more unexpected.
Vaccine season is here, offering practices an opportunity to do effective, useful outreach even if they don’t expect patients to come to them for shots.
Your 2024 CPT contains manual contains revised guidelines for multiple same-day E/M visits in the hospital or nursing facility settings, when performed by the same physician or qualified health care professional (QHP). But the update serves as a reminder that there are areas where the CPT manual and CMS rules don’t match up.
A recent report on overpayments attributable to faulty Medicare Advantage (MA) coding is just the latest in a series of signs that HHS is paying closer attention to those claims. Although it’s the Medicare Advantage organizations (MAO) that are in the direct line of fire, providers may sustain some collateral damage.
Critical care coding is one of the most detailed specialties and can challenge both new and seasoned coders. The intricate details of the documentation take many coders by surprise and can be a challenge. To report critical care, coders need to understand the definition.
Heed a recent settlement between the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) and UnitedHealthcare (UHC). Experts say it serves as a stark reminder of the importance of HIPAA compliance and the right of patients to access their medical records in a timely manner.
Emergency medicine providers are the top team players, according to analysis of Medicare data for modifier FS (Split [or shared] evaluation and management visit).


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