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CMS has given participants in its premier ACO initiative, the Medicare Shared Services Program (MSSP), a year before they have to transition to a new standard for compliance with certified EHR technology (CEHRT) and mandatory digital clinical quality measures (CQM) reporting. But it appears many stakeholders are hoping for further reprieve.
Discover additional policy changes contained in the final 2024 Medicare physician fee schedule, from misvalued services to split or shared billing policy and more. Get all the latest here:
The final specialty-based fee projections look a lot like the ones CMS proposed several months ago. Setting the threshold at positive or negative 2%, a total of 10 specialties are on pace to see fee gains in 2024, while 18 are in the red.
New findings show that young physicians, laboring under huge medical school debt, are attracted to the jobs that promise the most generous compensation. If you want those providers and you can’t compete on price, however, there are other ways to get their attention.
Coding and compliance veterans saw a nod to best documentation practices, a possible return to attesta- tions and potential billing confusion after their initial read of the 2024 CPT manual’s revised split or shared guidelines, released in early October.
Under the current E/M guidelines for level-based services, previously vital components of code level selection — namely, the history and exam components — no longer factor into the level of decision-making. Instead, determining a level of service comes down to one of two components: Medical decision-making (MDM) or time.
Question: Do the 2024 ICD-10-CM guidelines include any changes related to cardiovascular condition reporting?
Question: Are coders required to report a social determinants of health (SDOH) ICD-10-CM code when a CPT code for an E/M service level is based on medical decision-making (MDM)?
All but one code in the series of six initial (99221-99223) and subsequent (99231-99233) hospital care encounter codes saw a claims drop-off in the three-year period from 2020-2022, and providers saw a decline in total payments over the same span.
A $6.5 million settlement in a fraud case based on physician practice space rental serves as a warning that such arrangements can drift into anti-kickback statute (AKS) non-compliance — and from there to big trouble.


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