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Important changes are coming for physician E/M reporting in 2024. In particular, coders should note the changes for reporting telemedicine services, split or shared visits, multiple visits, and hospital or observation care same day admission and discharge. Be sure to make notes or underline changes in your CPT manuals to remember the changes as they start this year.
You had to review and update your training materials for split/shared visits when CMS completely revamped the rules in 2022. You should review your split/shared materials again to make sure they match the CMS rules and CPT Manual guidelines that went into effect Jan. 1, 2024.
The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) issued two resources in October to help explain to patients the privacy and security risks associated with telehealth services, as related to personal health information (PHI).
Physicians who routinely set up a cardiac rhythm monitoring system for remote evaluations will be pleased with a financial boon for their effort in 2024. The payments for two specific cardiac rhythm monitoring codes, 93297 and 93298, are on track to rise 130% and 283%, respectively.


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