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Common mistakes can result in costly delays to your provider enrollment. Improve your chances of getting your enrollment right the first time by sharpening your focus on basic but often-missed Medicare requirements.
Practices that use an outside lab to perform urine drug tests should make sure they follow the guidelines for the codes. The long-standing concern about improper utilization extends beyond practices and laboratories that bill for the tests; it also encompasses providers who create referrals for the tests.
Prepare for more scrutiny of your practice’s patient breach notification process, as a recent HHS Office for Civil Rights’ (OCR) HIPAA audit report reveals deficiencies in covered entities’ breach notification letters.
No one likes to think that their practice will experience a HIPAA breach, but every practice must be ready to deploy a breach notification to patients before the 60-day deadline. A practice that doesn’t have a plan to inform patients affected by a breach of unsecured patient protected health information (PHI) will be exposed to patient anger, investigations and costly fines.
Question: I‘ve heard that, rather than waiting for a denial on a claim so I can request a formal appeal, I can ask to have my claim changed after I’ve submitted it to the Medicare administrative contractor (MAC). I’ve heard this variously called a “reopening” and a “resubmission.” My question is, how do I do it?
Question: A wound care patient with a 25-sq-cm chronic foot ulcer presents with a new cellulitic rash, which is treated using topical medication. During the visit, the physician also surgically removes dead tissue from the ulcer. How would these services be reported in CPT?
If you’ve been doing better on Medicare appeals lately, you’re part of a trend. Between 2013 and 2020, the overall rate of success for providers and suppliers on redeterminations, the first level of formal Medicare appeals on claims denials, rose from 46.5% to 55% at Part B Medicare administrative contractors (MACs). And Part B durable medical equipment (DME) claimants did even better.


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