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Embracing technology in the office to boost operations and maintain patient volume was one of the more effective strategies providers used to fend off the COVID doldrums, and the experience may serve as a roadmap for disruptions in the future. It appears government money didn’t hurt, either.
Watch for a chance to shape Medicare’s policies for split/shared E/M visits and critical care services when CMS posts proposed rules on the topics. In the meantime, you can continue to perform the services even though CMS has removed the guidelines from the Claims Policy Manual.
CMS’ recent withdrawal of its guidelines for critical care and split/shared E/M services demonstrates the power of the good guidance rule, which went into operation Jan. 6.
A $22 million U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) settlement with a university hospital that allegedly mixed up billing from its facility and provider departments underlines the importance of keeping straight what gets sent to CMS, and by whom.
You might expect that the most-used codes billed under place of service (POS) 11 (Office) would closely mirror the most-reported codes overall. But aside from the two most popular E/M codes, they don’t much overlap.


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