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Alert your billing staff that new code bundles are coming in 2019. You'll find tens of thousands of new code pairs, as well as many deleted pairs and updated medically unlikely edits (MUEs), as part of the latest quarterly update from the Correct Coding Initiative (CCI). The version 25.0 edits take effect Jan. 1.

Medical tech innovations are much in the news these days. While many of these seem like distant, pie-in-the-sky ideas, experts tell Part B News you can expect see some widely used in practices over the next few years.

You soon will welcome more than 45,000 new code bundles that place some level of restriction on your claims reporting — including common debridement, biopsy and E/M services — as the latest Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) edits sweep into place Jan. 1.

As the spectrum of chronic care management (CCM) services widens, avoid a series of common coding and documentation errors, such as missing notes and a lack of specified timing, to ensure your claims are passing through without a problem.


Among a raft of codes that are on track to lose eligible service amounts in the new year, you’ll find a series of lesion-removal services and other integumentary procedural codes, according to the Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) version 25.0 edits taking effect Jan. 1


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