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Ensure you can prove that your patient encounters meet modifier 24 guidelines (Unrelated E/M service during a postoperative period) when reporting an E/M service during a patient’s global surgical period or you may be in the crosshairs of your Medicare administrative contractor (MAC).

It may seem as if many physicians want their compensation in the reliable form of a straight salary, but a new study from the AMA shows a growing number of physicians relying on other factors as part of their compensation package — which suggests you can add performance expectations in your provider contracts.


Assess a range of factors, including your practice’s pay scale, specialty mix and type of culture, when considering whether to report as a group under the merit-based incentive payment system (MIPS). And if you’re group-reporting via the CMS Web Interface, don’t forget to register by June 30.


If you haven’t adopted a talk-to-text module for your electronic health record (EHR), consider both the virtues and the drawbacks — and recent innovations that may change your providers’ whole relationship to the technology.


Question: We have a podiatrist who is having custom orthotics made for his patients. We have been using L3000 (Foot, insert, removable, molded to patient model, ‘ucb’ type, berkeley shell, each) per his instructions, but Medicare is denying the claims. These orthotics are custom-molded insole inserts. What are we doing wrong?


The difficulty of getting paid by Medicare for foot orthotics is obvious when you look at the denial rates on related codes. This is obvious from the chart below of codes for foot inserts — including L3000 (Foot, insert, removable, molded to patient model, ‘ucb’ type, berkeley shell, each), with which a reader was having trouble in this issue’s Ask Part B News story (see p. 4).


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