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Risk-averse practices, heads up: If you haven’t started your transition away from fee for service into value-based reimbursement, look at easy upside-only models to get in the swim or seek shelter in a larger organization.


Clear up confusion about the two cost measures impacting your 2018 merit-based incentive payment system (MIPS) performance year by knowing which metrics CMS will use to assess Medicare spending and how many patients may be attributed to your practice.


Beginning Feb. 5, home health agencies and other providers with a low volume of pending appeals at the administrative law judge (ALJ) level will have a new option for resolution while avoiding the judges’ massive backlog of appeals.


You’ll find a new entry into the world of advanced alternative payment models (APM) after CMS announced the Bundled Payments for Care Improvement (BPCI) Advanced program, which will reward providers on the basis of their cost-containment and quality scores for 32 distinct episodes of care.

The good news for practices whose providers tend to use modifier 24 (Unrelated E/M, same physician, post-operative) is that the denial rates of the codes most often used with that modifier went down in 2016, the most recent year of available Medicare data.


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