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Physician Practice Perspectives

Approximately $20 billion will be appropriated through the act to help physicians, medical practices, hospitals, states, and some healthcare vendors adopt information technology that will be used meaningfully. What does this mean for you and your practice?


The primary care group’s move toward the medical home model began in 2007, when it became clear that physician payments would move away from the traditional fee-for-service model and toward value-based primary care services, emphasizing preventive and proactive care.


: Beginning with EMR adoption in 2002, Southwest Medical Associates has continually sought to leverage technology to make its daily operations smoother, more cost-effective, and safer for patients, says Marcia Anderson, RN, BS, CCM, CDMS, vice president and chief nursing officer at the 250-provider multispecialty group.



Research has shown that remaining in the market will help facilities stay ahead of the game when the economy turns around, says Robert Rosenberg, president of Brand & Creative Strategy, Ltd., in Arlington Heights, IL. “Inevitably, it will turn around,” Rosenberg says.


The Hippocratic Oath, taken by aspiring physicians as they finish medical school, has become controversial during the past several decades, as it addresses issues such as abortion and euthanasia. However, its underlying premise has remained intact for centuries: protect and promote the health of patients and the public.


Although experts predict this global recession will continue at least into the next few years, exactly how long it will last remains unclear. However, what is known is that ensuring a strong financial future for yourself will mean taking a cautious, well-thought-out approach.


Do you know what the practice is worth? This will be important to find out, as valuations are becoming increasingly warranted for numerous reasons, such as facilitating hospital acquisitions; determining merger and acquisition and buy-in and/or buy-out equity; and complying to regulations relating to Stark laws, anti-kickback statutes, and IRS regulations.


There is an ongoing disconnect among the doctor, the health plan, other caregiv¬ers, and the hospital. Any element of connectivity that moves actionable data among these key stakeholders is a step toward helping physicians manage care better.


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