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Physician Practice Perspectives
by: Cheryl Clark

There are several reasons that some athletes swear by cross-training: to condition parts of the body that aren’t well targeted by their primary activity, to rest muscles and joints that would otherwise become overused, and to keep workouts interesting.


This story shows that hiring qualified medical office staff members is not an exact science, but there are steps practice managers can take to recruit the best candidates to their practice. There are many processes that will expedite getting the right people through the door, from writing an appealing, informative recruitment ad to screening resumes to calling references.


Personal health records (PHR) are now more widely used by consumers. But do these consumer-controlled records create too much of a privacy threat to mitigate the positive effect they can have on patient education and data exchange between hospitals?


The 2008 Capitation and Risk Contracting Survey, released by the AMGA and ECG Management Consultants, found the following:


Over the past several months, we’ve experienced a growing trend of patients behaving disrespectfully and abusively toward me, my staff members, and the physicians.


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