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Physician Practice Perspectives

Although many practices may be tempted to scale back or eliminate employee events during the shaky economic climate, many experts believe cutting morale-boosting occasions will cause long-term and short-term detrimental effects.


The concept of “doing today’s work today” through open access or same-day scheduling has been well known in practice management circles for years, and most practices that have tried it can vouch that adopting this technique increases patient, employee, and physician satisfaction and decreases no-shows and wasted work.


By just about any measure, Joint Commission accreditation is an affirmation that your physician practice has reached the pinnacle of professionalism, particularly in quality and patient safety issues.


We asked several experts on reimbursement and contracting issues to offer predictions for 2010, and the response ranged from greater collaboration and cooperation to more audits and review. And not surprisingly, most expect reimbursements to drop.


Below is a sampling of stories describing situations that contend with OSHA and employee safety regulations to help illustrate that point. These extreme but true tales will make even a novice safety officer cringe.


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