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Physician Practice Perspectives

Adequate staffing is one of the more complicated and important issues in healthcare. Understaffing can negatively impact employee recruiting and retention, disrupt physician productivity, hinder patient service, and place patients and business operations at risk. On the flip side, overstaffing can lead to poor staff interactions with physicians, a decrease in productivity, and a decrease in the bottom line.


It’s already hard enough to find a primary care physician, and the new health reforms that provide 32 million Americans with health insurance aren’t going to make it easier


When Allison Blazek, MD, left M. D. Anderson Cancer Center to open her private practice in June 2008, she figured EMRs, rather than paper, made the most sense. After talking with vendors and pricing EMRs, however, Blazek began thinking paper records might be the wiser option after all. Then Blazek heard about San Francisco–based Practice Fusion, which offers a free Web-based EMR system.


As a medical staff leader or medical staff professional (MSP), at some point during your career, you will inevitably find yourself standing in front of a crowd delivering a presentation. You may be presenting to only five board members or a crowd of 400. Either way, you should have the right tools in your belt if you want to hold your audience’s attention.


Retail clinics, once viewed as the enemy by some providers, now offer opportunities for hospital systems and physician groups to bolster the bottom line, remove pressure on the EDs, and recruit new patients.


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