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Physician Practice Perspectives

People outside of the healthcare sector would be surprised—and probably unnerved—to learn how many newly discharged hospital patients get lost in the transition back to the real world and their primary care physicians.


Medical staff and hospital leaders are well aware that physician burnout can potentially put patients at risk for adverse events. What they might not be aware of is that organizational culture and the way physician wellness activities are designed may be contributing to physician burnout.


In the tiny subspecialty of gynecologic oncologists, the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists (SGO) conducts an extensive survey of its 1,100 practitioners every five years. This isn’t your quick how-are-things-going type poll—the survey could take an hour for participants to complete, the society leaders say.


Ever heard of a drive-by heart attack? Bill Atkinson has. Even if he’s only joking, Atkinson says Raleigh, NC–based WakeMed Health & Hospitals, where he is president and CEO, is keeping that image in mind as it develops its outpatient strategy for the coming decade.


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