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Physician Practice Perspectives

The physician is about to close the door, and the patient blurts out, “I have these chest pains.” 


Take a proactive, organized approach to negotiating contracts and you will do far better than if you just wait to see what the payer offers, says John Schmitt, a managed care expert at EthosPartners Healthcare Management Group, based in Suwanee, GA.


Physicians just don’t want to work in private practice anymore. Or so the prevailing wisdom would have us believe.


Troubling yet predictable findings emerge from the 2010 Review of Physician Recruiting Incentives, the annual survey from physician recruiters Merritt Hawkins/AMN Healthcare, which reflects the market realities of the past year for healthcare in a down economy.


Physician rating systems are becoming more common and growing in popularity with some consumers, but some critics are cautioning that they could have a detrimental effect on managed care contracts and reimbursement revenue.


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