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Physician Practice Perspectives

The sense of fear and intimidation in the voice was impossible to ignore. It was a call to HCPro’s OSHA consultation hotline. In barely a whisper, so that nobody in her office could overhear her, the caller asked, “Do I really have to train my physicians in bloodborne pathogens? OSHA doesn’t require them to undergo training like the rest of the practice’s staff, does it?”


If you received a citation during an OSHA inspection in the past year, chances are the inspector found something wrong with your exposure control plan (ECP). If you didn’t get inspected, chances are there is still something wrong with your ECP.


Who is responsible when an independent physician discriminates against or harasses a hospital employee? The hospital? The medical staff?

by: Marianne Aiello

Denied claims are just a part of doing business, but that doesn’t mean you can write them off. You knew it was a legitimate claim when you submitted it, so you should be willing to fight for the money you are rightly owed.


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