Picking the right E/M family is straightforward when the treating practitioner goes to a nursing facility (POS 32) or the patient’s home (POS 12). But it’s not always clear when the visit takes place in a psychiatric residential treatment facility (POS 56) or at a vacation resort (POS 16).
The pending revisions to the AMA’s CPT guidelines, which are effective Jan. 1, 2023, also add settings to the code familes for nursing facility and home visits. For example, visits in facilities that provide immediate care to people with intellectual disabilities will be reported with nursing facility codes (99304-99309 and 99315-99316). The home visit family will become the home or residence family (99341-99350) and expand to include settings such as assisted living facilities, group homes and residential substance abuse treatment facilities.
Use the illustrated crosswalk to speed code and place of service selection.