CMS will pay 2010 e-Rx bonus cash by end of August

by Grant Huang on Aug 15, 2011

image from www.cms.govExpect to see incentive money for the 2010 Medicare Electronic Prescribing (eRx) Incentive Program to start arriving. CMS has begun doling out the bonus cash for qualifying providers and plans to finish handing it out by Aug. 31.

Also, remember that as of January 2010, CMS began using the new LE indicator on your electronic remittance advices to indicate that a given payment was an incentive payment, not just reimbursement for services. To get even more specific, CMS created 4-digit codes to distinguish the source of incentive (e.g., e-Rx versus electronic health record or EHR bonus).

The code for e-Rx is RX10, with "RX" for e-Rx and the "10" indicating the year -- 2010. Thus the 4-digit code will let you know what incentive program and what year the payment is for.

Paper remittance advices will include a complete statement, “This is an eRx incentive payment,” though not the year, CMS says.


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