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Take a close look at the trend lines behind outpatient E/M encounter codes 99211-99215 and you’ll discover a clear pattern over the past half decade or longer — higher-level codes are spiraling upward, while lower-level codes are witnessing significant declines.
Denial codes that come back on a transmittal with your rejected or denied claim are your first opportunity to find out why it didn’t go through — and if you know how to read the combinations of claim adjustment reason codes (CARCs) and remittance advice remark codes (RARCs) they include, you can often grasp and address the issue quickly and save time on the troublesome denials management process.
You can thank Medicare for providing a sneak peek of a new CPT code that’s taking effect Jan. 1 and plan ahead to integrate it into your roster of flu season billing codes.
It’s an all-too-frequent event: A patient registration representative checks in a patient and finds more than one record with the same name. Which is the correct record? And what are the consequences of choosing the wrong one?
The provider types that tend to make the most use of the 10 office E/M codes (99201-99215) are a mixed bag of specialists and primary care providers, but the big news in the most recent Medicare utilization numbers from 2017 is the continuing rise in use of the codes by nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician assistants (PAs).


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