CMS is backing into 2017's 99,000+ new edit pairs

by Julia Kyles, CPC on Dec 1, 2016
Usually CMS releases CCI edits and the medically unlikely edits (MUEs) about a month before they go into effect. A week or so later, CMS releases the files that list changes to the edit sets: additions, revisions and deletions to both edit sets. Not this time.
When we noticed the MUE edits for Jan. 1, 2017, were out, we assumed the CCI edits were there as well. They weren't at the time this blog post was written. But on a whim, we checked the files that contain the changes and found they're ready. This makes our task of analyzing and reporting a bit easier, but we're not sure of the reason for the reversal. One possible answer may be contained in the list of new edit pairs for CCI 23.0: There are more than 99,000 new edits that will go into effect in the new year. In 2016, there were about 57,000 new pairs. 
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